Baby Sleep and Wake Time Chart

Michelle Mak
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Sleep is a big topic for new parents. Many wonder how long should my newborn sleep? How many naps does my baby need? When will babies sleep through the night?

How long and often your baby sleeps depends on their age and development. A baby’s sleep patterns and cycle changes, especially during their first year. They go through several sleep regression phases and developmental leaps that can disrupt sleep.

During the first several weeks your newborn will be sleeping between 14–17 hours a day and can nap between 15 minutes to 4 hours. This means newborns will not be able to “sleep through the night” because they are still developing their circadian rhythm.

As your baby gets older, balancing day and night sleep will be important to help them set a good sleep pattern. Expose them to natural light and play with them during wake times. At night, cut down on all stimulation. Turn down the lights and keep noise soft. This will allow them to learn to sleep when it’s night time.

Most babies start to have longer stretches of night sleep around 4–6 months, “sleeping through the night” is defined as 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is also around the age when parents can explore and apply sleep training techniques.

How do you know if your baby is getting enough sleep? A simple method to track and manage your baby’s sleep schedule is with the Mewl Baby and Nursing Whiteboard. It will be helpful to reference for sleep training and ensures your baby gets adequate sleep.

Mewl Baby and Nursing Whiteboard

Are you tracking your baby’s sleep? Share your experience!

